A Year of Editing, As Told By Google


Yesterday, while editing, I was chuckling at how diverse and strange my Google search history must be. My full-time job triggers lots of searches about food and plants, while my freelance work raises questions about everything from '90s bands to current U.S. medical crises. Just for fun, I took a look through my search history from 2014 and found some major categories (and representative screenshots thereof) into which most of my searches fell.

Fact Checks and Proper Names

Searches including "how many people in the us have diabetes," "nsync," and "michael hutchence"
Searches including "how many people in the us have diabetes," "nsync," and "michael hutchence"


Searches including "should northern be capitalized," "capitalize south of france," and more
Searches including "should northern be capitalized," "capitalize south of france," and more

Spelling and Terminology

Searches including "mri scanner," "didgeridoo," "is bathtime one word," and more
Searches including "mri scanner," "didgeridoo," "is bathtime one word," and more
Searches including "glamour vs glamor," "pasamaquoddy," "quonset barn," and more
Searches including "glamour vs glamor," "pasamaquoddy," "quonset barn," and more

Style and General Grammar

Searches including "past tense of pet," "comma before including," "hyphenate superlative," and more
Searches including "past tense of pet," "comma before including," "hyphenate superlative," and more

Lie vs. Lay

Five searches of "lay or laid," "lay or lie," and "lie vs lay"
Five searches of "lay or laid," "lay or lie," and "lie vs lay"

Next on my to-do list: Get a "lie vs. lay" chart tattoo. Just kidding. Maybe.

If you're curious, you can find your Google search history here.